The Journey of a Thousand Miles...

Celebrating step one in Mr. Muffin's new K9 Cart.
Begins with a single step.  ~Lao Tzu

I will never forget the day my journey with Mr. Muffin began.  Our lives became forever entwined on July 23, 2017.  When you volunteer at a shelter, you lose your heart to a lot of special animals.  In the case of Mr. Muffin, it was not a loss of heart.  When I found him, or he found me,  it was like receiving a new heart.

Walking into the main kennel that day, I immediately noticed a highly animated Border collie mix scrambling around inside his enclosure.  When I asked about him, I learned that Mr. Muffin had been recently rescued from a particularly horrific hoarding situation.  It was easy to see the effects of terrible neglect.  This was a dog that could not walk.

From his straggly, dirty coat it appeared as though Mr. Muffin had never been bathed or groomed.  The conditions where he had been living were so bad the home was condemned and destroyed.  As I watched Mr. Muffin attempt to scoot around inside his kennel, dragging his back legs, I knew I had to do something to improve his quality of life.

Mr. Muffin at intake.  Photo credit: Aileen Peek
When I left the shelter that evening, still haunted by the look in Mr. Muffin's eyes, I immediately started searching for mobility solutions.  My research led me to K9 Carts. After sharing my quest to help Mr. Muffin on Facebook, I was able to acquire a cart for Mr. Muffin.  It was deeply moving to see how many compassionate individuals wanted to help this precious survivor finally have the opportunity to move from survival to thrivival mode.

While awaiting the arrival of Mr. Muffin's cart, I offered to be his rehabilitation foster.  I spent the next week gathering everything needed to provide for Mr. Muffin's care.  There is much to consider when dealing with a disabled animal.  At the same time, I visited him at the shelter to build trust.  Mr. Muffin was very timid, but thankfully, not shut down like most animals coming from his situation.  We bonded very quickly.  Even though he has difficulty walking, Mr. Muffin had his own version of a happy dance he performed each time I approached his kennel.  I couldn't wait to bring him home with me.

This is how we roll.
On July 31st, at 4:33 p.m., we rolled out of the shelter together.  I consider that day to be Mr. Muffin's rebirthday.  When I see how much he has changed over the short time since we first met, I am astonished. It's hard to believe this is the same dog.  I have discovered Mr. Muffin's inner puppy.  Though he is thought to be around five years old, Mr. Muffin frequently exhibits a pup's playful spirit.  Perhaps Mr. M. is just now having the puppyhood he never got to experience early in life.

I am launching this blog to chronicle Mr. Muffin's ongoing journey of transformation.  Truth be told, it will be me who changes the most.  The value is in sharing lessons learned.  And, I just know there will be much to celebrate.  I invite you to be a part of our joyful journey.  Please consider subscribing so you may take each step with us.  This trek won't be the same without you.


  1. I am already in love with Mr. Muffins, and while I can't have a dog myself right now, I will live with my "online" dog through your collective journey to the next exciting milestone! Thank you for this opportunity. I bet my heart has been touched by the eyes that were so compelling and looking for some kindness, as much as yours. Thanks again for this opportunity.......I will look forward to MR. Muffins next adventure.

    1. Thank you, Olivia. It means so much to have you share our journey. Mr. Muffin sends his love.

  2. Mr. Muffin is going to transform many hearts, I believe. Thank you for being his foster and for chronicling his journey so the rest of us can see the value of a survivor helped to thrive. It's a lesson our world needs. It's a love message we can all share.

    1. I love seeing the way Mr. Muffin works on hearts, Charli. He has a gift for love messages. I am taking notes, for Mr. M. is depending on me to get his message out there.

  3. I'm so glad you two found each other! Thanks for sharing the fun with us.

    1. Thanks for stopping by. Always wonderful to see you.

  4. I will love following the story of Mr. Muffins Journey. What a sweetheart he is.

    1. And we already love having you along for the journey. Mr. Muffin is most definitely a sweetheart. They don't come any sweeter.

  5. Everything about this (except his history) is wonderful. That you found each other, that he's so adorable, that you have a heart as big as the sky.... I look forward to the updates, in words and photos.

    1. We appreciate your kind comments. I feel Mr. Muffin's arrival in my life was meant to be. He is expanding me in all the right ways. Thank you for being here at this momentous time in our lives.

  6. What a beautiful beginning! Mr. Muffin is one really blessed puppy to have a sweet momma like you come along to care for him. My vet would say he just won the lottery. You are a very special person Diana to open your home and your heart to a special needs animal. May God richly bless you and Mr. Muffin. (I know, you are going to tell me he already has!)

    1. I feel things happen for a purpose. I believe Mr. Muffin is meant to be my teacher in this season of my life. And yes, I feel blessed. Many thanks for your lovely affirmations and comments. Very much appreciated.

  7. I am just thrilled to see you blogging your journey with Mr. Muffin, Diana! What a special pair the two of you are. God has truly blessed you both.

    1. Thank you, Ruthi. And I am very happy to see your presence again. I love that Mr. Muffin has given me something to write about again. It has been a long time coming. The question that guides my year is this: "Does it spark joy?" The unfolding mission of supporting Mr. Muffin's rebirth does spark joy. That is the kind of thing I want to share with others.

    2. Ir certainly will spark joy in the hearts of dog lovers, Diana, already has done so.

  8. I think you two were meant to meet for a shared journey in life. I look forward to reading more about your experiences!

    1. I do believe everything happens for a reason. Our paths were meant to cross and merge. So happy you are along for the ride.

  9. I am so glad you're sharing the journey with us. From your first pictures, it was obvious that this was a very special soul who needed to join your family. So privileged that I get to benefit from this relationship, too.

    1. Thank you, Susan. It is very healing to help another soul heal. We feel privileged to have you on this journey.

  10. Wow....that picture of Mr. Muffins when he first got to the shelter is heartbreaking. Those eyes look right through you. I sure can see how he captured your heart. I had to look several times at that picture to see what love and attention has done. many new experiences including unconditional love and acceptance. Like my new buddy....timid and missing out on so many experiences. But not now...I love the Kayaking experience you gave him.

    1. That photo still haunts me. I felt such an urgency to respond to what he was communicating. I still feel that same pull (and it extends to the look I see in the eyes of the other victims of that same hoarding case). We have four more Border collies at the shelter that are still beaming a similar message. I won't rest until they have all had their transformations.


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