Flight Lessons

Mr. Muffin's Chariot
While buckling Mr. Muffin into his K9 cart, we suddenly find ourselves in a Chariots of Fire moment.  As a pack of lean collegiate runners lopes by, I am instantly transported back to the movie scene on the beach.  Cue iconic theme music here.

I watch Mr. Muffin's reaction as he tracks the fleet-footed harriers around the first curve.  Am I imagining it, or does he seem more intensely poised for action?  Does he feel it—that hard-wired urge to chase the dream?

After a month of training, Mr. Muffin has gained the strength and stamina to scoot the length of the football field inside the running track.  He can move faster than you would think possible, especially with those bent back legs.

At first, I thought of these sessions as walking lessons.  I now realize I was completely mistaken. Mr. Muffin doesn't need to learn how to walk.  He has already mastered his own unique way of getting where he wants to go.

The wheels Mr. Muffin wears like a chariot are meant for movement far more glorious than creeping along.  They are meant to help him fly.
"One must never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar."  ~Helen Keller
A second platoon of runners drifts by.  One young woman glances over at Mr. Muffin as I urge him to take his first solo flight.  She calls out, "I love your dog!"  I call back, 'He's learning to run.  Soon he'll be able to fly.'


  1. That K9 Cart truly is a chariot of flight for Mr. Muffin! Amazing that he is not held back by the barriers of his hind legs not being quite right.

    1. Mr. Muffin doesn't seem to know that there are barriers that might apply to him. I want to go through life with that same outlook.

  2. Better that he doesn't recognize any limitations, because that would just reinforce that he COULDN'T do it. This way, he has no barrier in his mind as to what he can or can't do. With that removed, he truly has no limitations. God bless this sweet boy!

    1. His only limitations are those that might be imposed on him by humans. I don't intend to set any boundaries as to what he can or cannot do. That requires me to pay deep attention and to be very conscious of what it is that unleashes his full capacities.

  3. I love your writing almost s much as you and Mr. muffins. The last sentence in context with the story, made me cry. I love that. I am not the least concerned he will learn to love his wheels, he is limitless, as are you!

    1. Thank you for blessing us with these beautiful affirmations.

  4. It is absolutely wonderful that you have given him "wings" to fly, not to mention the amount of committed time you are giving to helping Mr. Muffins. I can easily image the excitement in his eyes now when he gets to the track and how in his past, he could only dream and wish. But now, he can chase that dream because he has a momma who is a visionary with a desire to make dreams come true.

    1. His eyes are filled with wonder every day (like a child on Christmas morning). I delight in seeing his excitement. Loving a wonder dog is the best gift. In many ways, we share the same set of wings. I believe Mr. M. was put in my life to provide me with flight lessons.

  5. I absolutely am in love with Mr. Muffin, and the things that you and he have accomplished are amazing. So happy that you have each other in your lives.

    1. So happy you are a part of Mr. Muffin's family. He sends his love.

  6. Love that he is doing so well under your care. And love the way you write about your journey. Blessings to you both.

    1. What is so great is that when you help another creature thrive, you find your own thrive. Thanks for sending the blessings. Right back at ya!


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